After the overwhelming success of the seventh edition, in which more than 64,000 visitors from 112 nationalities attended the 3-day festival to enjoy the more than 400 exhibiting brands and a total of 525 demobikes, with more than 4,200 test bookings from 50 different bicycle brands, Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental and Euro Mobility Festival 2024 are gearing up for 2024 by opening up the Expo Zone booking period for the brands that attended in 2023.
The 2023 edition was held on more than 35,000 square metres of exhibition space out of a total festival area of 72,000 square metres. The next edition will be even bigger to respond to the growing demand. Many brands are already interested in renewing or even increasing their presence and many others that were unable to attend in 2023 are looking forward to attending in 2024.
This includes, of course, the third edition of the Euro Mobility Festival that has been going from strength to strength.
What’s more, demobike is expected to expand with new brands, more bikes and transport items to test, not to mention more test tracks, all with the aim of improving the brand and user experience.
Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental and Euro Mobility Festival are rewarding brand loyalty
Given the high demand to reserve space, Sea Otter Europe and Euro Mobility Festival are rewarding the loyalty of the brands that attended the 2023 edition, so these brands can start booking their exhibition space from 29 November.
New brands that were not present at the 2023 edition will be able to register for the Sea Otter Europe and Euro Mobility Festival Expo Zone from February until all available exhibition space is booked up. It is worth noting that last year, five months before the festival, the organisers were just a few days away from selling out.
Sponsorship proposals for all needs
The festival organisers are also kicking off with the different sponsorship proposals. Highly tailored and personalised proposals for each brand to ensure that the relationship between the sponsoring brand and the festival is the best fit possible.
These proposals mean any aspect of the festival can be sponsored: from the busiest areas of Sea Otter Europe and Euro Mobility Festival, to any of the sporting events and/or activities in its programme that are available.
The world of cycling will meet again in Girona from 20-22 September 2024.
Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental and Euro Mobility Festival are not to be missed.